There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens. Great revolutions, for good or for evil, occur during these times. Revolutions where men, women, and even entire generations risk everything for a moment in history to bring about great change.

We have an example of this in the Bible, as told in the book of Esther.[1]

A Pivotal Moment

Esther was pivotal in changing history for the Jewish nation. It took boldness, courage, and a willingness to risk her own life for the sake of her people. It is because of her that the Jewish nation exists to this day.

Esther was orphaned as a child, displaced, and raised by her uncle Mordecai while living in a foreign pagan land known as Persia. Yet, she stood out because of her striking beauty, catching the attention of the Royal Court, and she was brought into Kings Harem where she was pampered with six months of the finest beauty treatments available. Many other beautiful women were also receiving the same indulgent treatment, all of which would prepare one of them for a night with the King to determine his next pick to be his queen.


Through God’s providential plan, Esther gained the highest favor of all the women in the harem. By what could only be interpreted as divine appointment, Esther, a foreign orphan Jewish girl was selected to be the next Queen of Persia

Evil Agenda

The King was unaware of Esther’s origins. However, one of the kings top ranking officials, Haman, had a hatred for the Jews that knew no bounds. Cunningly and deceptively, he persuaded the King to issue an edict to have all the Jews exterminated, annihilated, killed.

“There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from all other peoples, and they do not keep the king’s laws. Therefore, it is not fitting for the king to let them remain. If it pleases the king, let a decree be written that they be destroyed…” [2]

The king signed the edict and a date was set.

For Such a Time as This

Esther knew not of this edict to exterminate her people until her uncle Mordecai shared the news with her. He urged Esther to persuade the king to stop this edict. They were at an existential crisis and their days were numbered.

Esther resisted at first. “How can I broach the king with no invitation? It is forbidden for me to come before the King uninvited. I could die.” But Mordecai saw no other solution: “How do you know Esther, that God has not brought all of this about for such a time as this?” He reminded her that it was no ordinary achievement to be moved into the King’s palace as a foreigner to take the title as Queen.

If I Perish, I Perish

Esther called for a fast for all the Jewish people, as an appeal to heaven and their God. She resigned herself to risk her life to save her people.

“If I perish, I perish.” [3]

Esther interceded for her people by going uninvited to the King. She put her life on the line and petitioned him to rescind the edict and save her people. By God’s grace, love, and mercy, her life was spared, and the Jewish nation was saved from extinction. The sinister plot of Haman was exposed, and his evil agenda was turned against him. While the Jews were set free, Haman and his family were hung on the gallows that he built himself to satisfy the bloodthirst he had for the Jews.

We are in an American Crisis. We are in an Esther Moment.

The story of Esther is a template for us all in these times that we live in. Esther’s story gives us courage as we live under the shadow of anti-Christ legislation, persecution, and anti-family ideology. The very social fabric and foundation that our nation was built upon is under threat. Our values and Judeo-Christian beliefs and our constitutional rights are under siege.

Esthers’ Rising: A Call to the Mall

Today the Holy Spirit is summoning the hearts of a million women, Esthers, young and old, to rise up. An Esther Call to the Mall is going forth, for women and their families to descend upon Washington, DC at the National Mall on October 12, on the Jewish Day of Atonement, as a last stand moment for America.

There we will pray, fast, and war for our children, our families, and our nation. There the Esthers will apply the blood of Jesus to the doorpost of our personal and national guilt and declare the victory of the cross over the powers of darkness. There, Esthers across our nation, young and old, will take her stand for the revival and reformation of America.

When There Is No Hope for A Nation, There Is No Remedy.

God still has a holy prescription.

“Blow the trumpet in Zon, consecrate a solemn assembly, call a fast, gather the peoples.” [4]

A Million Women event is an Esther call to the Mall on October 12, the Day of Atonement, a sacred space designated by God for prayer and repentance. This is a last stand moment for America. The time for a shift in our nation is now.

Will you join us? Click below to watch the video about this event and join us at the Mall in Washington, DC, Saturday, October 12, or watch live via Rumble, Facebook, or You Tube.

Who knows if you have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this!

Yours Truly,

Dr. Pamela

[1] The Book of Esther, NKJV

[2] Esther 3:8-9

[3] Esther 4:13-16

[4] Joel 2:15-16