In a Post Roe-Wade nation gone mad for the right to terminate conception through abortion, panic is in the air for the nearest abortion mill. But is anyone considering the alternative? Does human life of the unborn, yet living and developing fetus, have a right to be born?

Of course, circumstances with pregnancy can span a vastitude of problems. Fortunately, there is support out there. Nonjudgmental, yet extremely helpful support can be found in local pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) who do incredible work to support mothers, fathers, and babies during and after birth.

For the past 50 years, PRCs have faithfully served and demonstrated a commitment to women and children’s overall well-being. Nationwide there are about 2,700 PRCs. They serve almost two million people  1 a year and provide nearly $270 million in services 2 at virtually no charge. PRCs operate largely through the generosity and commitment of volunteers and donors. Many provide medical care, parenting classes, assistance with financial programs, assistance to victims of human trafficking, housing, counseling, and much more.

So, it is a blessing when a state government agrees to fuel these local pregnancy centers with funding to support their efforts in providing women and men involved in an unwanted pregnancy with appropriate resources.  There are many options that protect the life of the developing babe in the womb. A frightened women who does not want the responsibility of raising a child, due to her circumstances, may receive medical care, support, and resources to make the best possible decision for the life within her womb. It is Win Win for all.

Unfortunately, others do not see it like this. Just recently, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer made her cuts to the state’s $76 billion budget vetoing more than $21 millions of dollars intended for use by pro-life efforts and nonprofit pregnancy resource centers that offers help for pregnant women including adoption.  Tragic indeed.

State Rep. Thomas Albert, sums up her decision to withhold funding to state PRCs, claiming she “supports only one option for women in a crisis pregnancy — the deadly choice of abortion.” 3

Likewise, in reference to pro-life crisis pregnancy clinics in Massachusetts that help women carry and care for their children by providing free resources like diapers, clothes, and ultrasounds, but do not perform abortions, Senator Elizabeth Warren defiantly retorts: “We need to shut them down…You should not be able to torture a pregnant person like that.”

What?!?  It is difficult to account for Governor Whitmer’s or Senator Warren’s rationale. It is sad that funds that could have been so helpful have been withheld from these pregnancy resource centers. It is a punitive backlash in response to the Supreme Court returning the decision on abortion back the states, (although many pro-choice advocates seem to skip over this fact).

advocates for pro-choice, who favor the killing of the unborn, are collectively providing abortion resources and information for obtaining an abortion through social media platforms all across the world. Pregnancy Resource Centers offer alternatives that are lifesaving. Which would you consider?

Fortunately, the warriors on the frontlines in the fight for life will continue to fight. Funding and resources will continue to be obtained through private donors and businesses who support their efforts. If you are invested in the sanctity of human life, you can help. Consider making a donation to a pregnancy resource center of your choice and help support the cause.

A Critical Choice

If you or someone you know is struggling with an unwanted pregnancy and think your only option is abortion, it’s not. A critical choice weighs in the balance with an unwanted pregnancy. The emotional (or physical) cost of making the wrong choice can last a lifetime. There is no shame in choosing life. Consider reaching out to your local pregnancy resource center or contact New Life Solutions here.